Download here:Early Childhood Matters aims to elevate key issues, spread awareness of promising solutions to support holistic child development and explore the elements needed to take those solutions to scale. It is published annually by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. The views expressed in Early Childhood Matters are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bernard van Leer Foundation. Work featured is not necessarily funded by the Bernard van Leer Foundation. � Bernard van Leer Foundation, 2017 Reproduction of articles by photocopying or electronic means for non-commercial purposes is permitted. However, it is requested that the author, Early Childhood Matters and Bernard van Leer Foundation are cited as the source of the information. Permission must be obtained to use photos. ISSN 1387-9553 Cover: Prisca (in the middle) with her dad and her cousin, looking at a book under a cacao tree. Gohou-Zagnan, C̫te d�۪Ivoire. Photo: Thibaut Monnier (Ayoukit)/Bernard van Leer Foundation This 2017 issue of Early Childhood Matters is no. 126 in the series. Also published in Spanish: Espacio para la Infancia (ISSN 1566-6476)
Bernard van Leer Foundation
PO Box 82334
2508 EH The Hague,
The Netherlands