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A New Educational Model in Adult Learning
Necessity for Creativity in 21st Century EducationThe ARLT Foundation's New Educational ModelGet in touch

The International Foundation for the Advancement of Reflective Learning and Teaching (ARLT) promotes reflective education to facilitate human rights for a more caring & empathetic world which allows for respect and diversity and the humanity within all peoples.
"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original"
- Sir Ken Robinson
Some thoughts and feelings from some of our past students which you might enjoy
Now EnrollingARLT Foundation
The Equinox
J.P Coenstraat 7
The Hague
2595 WP
The Netherlands.
070 2500 204
Head Office, The Hague, The Netherlands:
070 2500 204
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0208144 7727
021234 0125
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