News Brief from The Hague
We wish to welcome you to the fascinating and inspiring study of the social science. We hope that this will be the beginning of the search for knowledge and more importantly wisdom in your life.
You are a member of the ARLT Foundation student body who come from diverse backgrounds but with a common love of learning and affective education. Affective education puts emphasis on the feeling or emotional aspect of the experience. The concepts of love, creativity, warmth are given priority over values of assessment, grading and a predominant focus on subject matter.
We hope you take with you in your life the importance of education as a means to help people to become the best they can. Your success throughout the programme in not solely measured by the passing of your exam in the end but in your approach to study, your pursuit and effort in seeking answers, your development of awareness of your actions and words and your time and endeavour given to your dialogue with your tutor. We regard your success in terms of the confidence you have acquired in expressing your personal opinion on issues, on the ability to support your opinion with relevant data and your ability to suggest the strongest objections to your own opinions and to answer them. In doing so we hope that we have equipped you with skills that that you can use to further your learning and to help make the world a more compassionate and peaceful place.
To commence your studies procure a hardback note book and write a few sentences on what you would like to achieve over the next five years.
We are pleased to announce that the Cultural Anthropology Programme through distance learning is now available. The programme is designed for those who already have a background in social science (Diploma in Social Studies or level 7 Bachelor’s Degree in social science) and particularly relevant to professionals whose professions include working with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. The cost of the course is 720 euro. Previous students with a Diploma in Social Studies (Hons.) will be able to participate for a special alumni fee. Students must have completed the programme in Social Studies with a minimum of a Third Class Honours Award in order to be eligible for participation.
The International ARLT Foundation will also be launching a Reflective Teaching Programme for the new academic cycle in conjunction with the promotion of public awareness of the benefits of reflective learning. The aim is to support teachers, school mentors, university tutors and curriculum developers to cultivate an effective dialogue and expertise in educational practice. The course will be of benefit to vocational and academic educators at all levels, but in particular in areas where over prescriptive curricula and assessment procedures have resulted in inhibiting the engagement of learners. The course will have three aspects: an introduction to various philosophies of education, reflective practice in the classroom, and assessment and self – assessment effectiveness.